Mind Reading With Dice

-With eyes closed, you can guess the number of dice that is thrown by the volunteers.

1. Ask for volunteers to throw a dice twice. Make sure it remembers the two numbers that come out.

2. Ask him to multiply two numbers, which first appeared dice, then add the result by 5.

4. Multiply 5 results obtained in point number 2, and ask her to add the results from the numbers that appear on the second toss of the dice.

5. If so, ask him to mention the total results he obtained. Say you can read the mind of the volunteers through the emotions that emanated when he uttered these final results.

6. When he mentioned the result, subtract the result to 25 in your heart. You will get 2 digit number. The first digit is the result of the first dice roll, the second digit indicates the results of the second dice roll.

Example: the first dice roll 6, the second 3

1. 6x2 = 12, 12 +5 = 17, 17x5 = 85. 85 +3 = 88 (the volunteers mention this figure). 88-25 = 63 (in your heart). The first digit 6, the second digit 3

Escaping Tricks

In some shows we often see the magician who was tied with many knots and must escape in time. In doing these tricks, the most important thing to do is to free the hand ties. If bonds have been free hand, any bond as tight as in other body parts must be removed.
Therefore, there is a special trick in making the knot that bound her wrists. The following pictures and explanations:

After the escape, which happened after that are now looking for the right key for the handcuffs, leg untie and escaped.

Note: The same trick can also be applied to bond the neck, pulled by two people simultaneously, but instead of choking, rope / chain it decomposes.

Prediction Cards and Mind Reading

Effects: You show five cards to the presence of a volunteer, asking him to choose one of 5 cards in hearts. You have another 2 cards, and to read the psychological condition he told the audience choose a card that the right or left. You begin to read the mind of the audience. You place the fifth card in the hands of the audience. Viewers say the card, and you managed to guess right.
- Prepare a 5 card with the order of King Hearts, 4 Clubs, As Wajik, 7 Wajik, 9 Heart.
- Make a prediction in an envelope marked the third card (As Wajik), put in place that are not visible or attract attention (eg under the tablecloth).
- Memorize the fifth card (for simplicity, memorize its value only, K4A79). Prepare any card is also worth 2 and 4 (eg 2 hearts and 4 diamonds).
- Indicate the five cards without changing the order to a volunteer. Ask him to choose one card in the liver.
- Without changing the order, stacks of 5 cards into one pile, face down. (From top: K Hearts, 4 Clubs, As Wajik, 7 Wajik, 9 Heart)
- Have volunteers opened up a hand. Put all five cards in the hands of volunteers.
- Say you need to read the psychological condition of the volunteers. Remove the card 2 hearts and 4 diamonds in the closed position, tell the volunteer choose one. Put in front of the volunteers without opening it.
-Tell the volunteers that do not put one hand holding the card into the top 5 stack of cards, and concentrate on thinking about the card choices.
-Let him open one-handed over the pile of cards. Say, "had been aware that I have to manipulate your mind so that you choose a particular card?" Tell the volunteers mention his chosen card.
This is where the game starts:
Checklist Condition: There are 5 cards in the hands of volunteers, 1 cards face down in front of the volunteers, and the envelope containing the prediction in an inconspicuous place.
1. If he mentions King Heart (top card), say that you'd have told him to concentrate on putting hands on the deck of cards. Let him open the top deck, where he concentrated earlier. Definitely worth K Heart. Ignore the card that was selected to predict volunteer psychology; ignore your predictions.
2. If he mentions four curly (second card), tell it to open the card in front of him who used to read the psychology of the volunteers. If the card two hearts, tell he saw the second card from the top. If the card 4 diamond, send it to see the fourth card from the bottom. Definitely worth 4 curly. Ignore the prediction in an envelope.
3. If he mentions As Wajik (third card), say that you already expect and predict earlier. Remove the envelope you, tell the volunteers to open and read the card is written. Ignore the card in front of the volunteers.
4. If he mentions seven Wajik (fourth card), tell it to open the card in front of him who used to read the psychology of the volunteers. If the card two hearts, tell he saw the second card from the bottom. If the card 4 diamond, send it to see the fourth card from the top. Definitely worth seven of diamonds. Ignore the prediction in an envelope.
5. If he mentions 9 hearts (the fifth card), say that the cards chosen by the audience very close relationship with his audience, not only mentally but also physically. Therefore, he ordered flipping cards closest to the palm of his hand. Its value must be 9 liver. Ignore predictions in envelopes and cards in front of him.
Note: Only can be done once per show, or the audience will realize the secret of this trick.


Making a Dead Fly to Life Back

Effects: You invite someone on the street to take a fly or a beetle die in windshield. You put it on the hands ,and it can be back to life and flying .

Previously, these flies put it in the freezer or dry ice (available at a place to store ice cream, usually used as a picnic). Flies will coma and temporary paralysis.

- After the flies frozen, immediately place it on the car glass shade, so the flies do not melt too fast.

- Heat in your hands will help the flies recovered from kebekuannya. More advisable to freeze the fly with dry ice or aerosols, because in addition to more quickly react, physical damage suffered by the fly is also smaller.

- Applicable also for the beetles, dragonflies, and other small insects.

Joker Magic

Effects: You asked for volunteers to take a card from your hand. Then the card is held behind the back of each (closed / facing down). You and the volunteers take anywhere from one card of each stack of cards without looking at it, and put them forward. Then you exchange cards in front of you. By without seeing each card, you ask the volunteers to insert the card in a position facing up (open) into the middle of the deck behind his back. You also do the same. Stacks of cards brought forward, and opened in a fan shape. In each stack, there is only one card in a position facing upwards, and incredibly, each card in the stack together Joker.


- Make sure you put the two Joker in the bottom deck of cards. Regardless of cards drawn from the hands of your audience certainly will not disturb the Joker card.

- We bring the card forward, take the Joker card from the bottom.

- When you redeem your card with the volunteers, the volunteers also will bring you the Joker card.

- You will bring non-Joker cards from the volunteers. The key, still put non-Joker cards are in the closed position (face down). Take the second Joker in the bottom of your deck, put into the middle in a position facing upwards.

-Bring each stack of cards forward, talk a little about probability theory or magical power Joker card. Say, "had been aware that I have to manipulate your mind so that you choose a particular card?" Open each card in the shape like a fan and it would appear that you both have a Joker card face up.

Addendum: The same trick can be used to bring 2 cards in each deck of cards in the same value (eg As).

Card Teleportation

1. Call one volunteer, tell it to check the card and shake.

2. Take two cards from the pile top, but make as if you take one card (called the technique "double elevator": see picture). Ask the audience mentioned the value of the card (eg two curly). Put back into the pile of cards

Double Lift- Side View
Double Lift- Top View

 3. For a card that is on top before you pile in the closed position (ie 9 hearts), but volunteers will be assumed as 2 curly. To be more convincing you can say "I'll put two curls into my face."

4. Do it again double lifts, and show the card to the audience, asked him to mention its value (eg, six of spades). Put back into the deck of cards.

5. Ask for volunteers to open his hand, put the top card into his hand in the closed position and say "I'll put the card into your hand shovels 6" (when the card is 2 Curls) - IMPORTANT: make sure the volunteers do not see the card in his hand.

6. Now you have one card in front of you (9 hearts) and one card in the hands of volunteers (2 clubs), but the audience will think two curls in your hand, and 6 of spades in his hand.

7. Insert the card in front of you into the piles of cards. Then shake. Ask volunteers what card you entered, and he will answer "2 curly". Make sure your audience to remember this.

8. Say you will menteleportasi two cards magically curl. Beraktinglah best.

9. When finished, ask volunteers what cards in his hand. He will say "6 of spades". Turn the cards in his hand, and in fact its value is 2 kinky!

TIPS: Do this trick quickly so that the audience does not have a chance to see the actual value of the card in his hand.

Changing Hearts Card Becoming Wajik Card

Effect: You show 3 pieces of card held in one hand. As Curly, As Wajik, and As Shovels. Then you divide all three cards in the closed position (face down). You open the card to the left, As Curly. You also open the right card, ace Shovels. Then you ask the audience, what card is in the middle? The audience would reply "As Wajik". You return the card in the center, which had turned into "As Heart"

Actually you did from the initial holding Heart As the inverted and the bottom is covered by two flanking cards (see picture).

Make the position of your card above
Make the position of your card above
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