Card Teleportation

1. Call one volunteer, tell it to check the card and shake.

2. Take two cards from the pile top, but make as if you take one card (called the technique "double elevator": see picture). Ask the audience mentioned the value of the card (eg two curly). Put back into the pile of cards

Double Lift- Side View
Double Lift- Top View

 3. For a card that is on top before you pile in the closed position (ie 9 hearts), but volunteers will be assumed as 2 curly. To be more convincing you can say "I'll put two curls into my face."

4. Do it again double lifts, and show the card to the audience, asked him to mention its value (eg, six of spades). Put back into the deck of cards.

5. Ask for volunteers to open his hand, put the top card into his hand in the closed position and say "I'll put the card into your hand shovels 6" (when the card is 2 Curls) - IMPORTANT: make sure the volunteers do not see the card in his hand.

6. Now you have one card in front of you (9 hearts) and one card in the hands of volunteers (2 clubs), but the audience will think two curls in your hand, and 6 of spades in his hand.

7. Insert the card in front of you into the piles of cards. Then shake. Ask volunteers what card you entered, and he will answer "2 curly". Make sure your audience to remember this.

8. Say you will menteleportasi two cards magically curl. Beraktinglah best.

9. When finished, ask volunteers what cards in his hand. He will say "6 of spades". Turn the cards in his hand, and in fact its value is 2 kinky!

TIPS: Do this trick quickly so that the audience does not have a chance to see the actual value of the card in his hand.
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