Guessing Cards by Numbers

Ask the spectator to take one card and remember the value of their number (As = 1, J = 11, Q = 12, K = 13) without showing it to you. Give him a calculator for easy counting.

1. Tell it to multiply two value cards
2. Then add 3
3. Times 5
Let him remember the outcome. Now, make it look and concentrate on the "symbol" of the card.

-If the card Wajik, tell it to add 1 at the end of the calculation results
Curly-if the card, tell it to add 2 at the end result counts
Heart-If the card, tell it to add 3 to the final result counts
-If the card Shovels, tell it to add 4 on the final result

Ask him to mention the final result counts. In the liver, reduce the result by 15. You'll get 2 or 3 digit number. The last digit will indicate the symbol cards that he select count (1 = diamond, 2 = curly, 3 = heart, 4 = shovel), whereas the digit in front of it will show the value of the card. Now you can guess the card!

Example: For example, volunteers taking card Heart Queen (Queen = 12)
12x2 = 24, plus 3 = 27, multiplied by 5 = 135. Plus the value of Heart (3) the final count of volunteers 138.
Subtract 138 with 15 in the liver, the result adalh 123. The last digit (3) shows the card bearing the Heart, and the digit in front of him (12) shows the card is valued at Queen's.
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